
HYEPERPRO製品 価格改定のお知らせ

Posted by 松本圭司 on

平素は格別のご高配を賜り厚く御礼申し上げます。         この度は、弊社商品『HYEPERPRO リアサスペンション』の価格改定について、 ご連絡申し上げます。   昨今、主要原材料や原油価格の高騰が続いており、原材料費や物流コスト などの負担が以前よりも大きくなっております。 弊社でもさまざまな対策を講じ価格維持に努めてまいりましたが、 現行の価格を維持することが困難な状況となりました。 そこで、誠に不本意ではございますが、製品の価格改定を実施させていただきたく存じます。   つきましては、3月10日受注分より新価格を適用させて頂きます。 何卒、余儀ない事情をご理解いただき、今後とも変わらぬご高配を賜りますよう お願い申し上げます。  

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[Taste of Tsukuba exhibit!]

Posted by 松本圭司 on

Taste of Tsukuba KAGURADUKI STAGE We will be exhibiting at Taste of Tsukuba, which will be held on November 2nd and 3rd. We will be exhibiting our demo bike, the GSX-R750F, which was exhibited at the Tokyo Motorcycle Show, as well as other new products. We also sell our own products such as our popular original Yurei aprons and Yurei T-shirts. We are also planning to sell outlet items. The booth will be located on the lawn behind the Asia Corner. Please stop by if you are at the venue! ↓↓↓Click here for event details↓↓↓

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* Information on price revision *

Posted by 松本圭司 on

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support. This time, our product "Meter Sponge (MTSR-34S-27A) " "Meter sponge for reverse drive, for two-row use (MTSR-34S-27A11)" We would like to inform you about the price changes for the above two items. Recently, the prices of major raw materials and crude oil have continued to rise, resulting in increased raw material and logistics costs. The burden is now greater than ever before. We have taken various measures to maintain our prices, It has become difficult to maintain the current prices. Therefore, although it is very unfortunate, we have...

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[2rinkan Festival Exhibit Decided!]

Posted by 松本圭司 on

We will be exhibiting at the 2rinkan Festival West, which will be held next week on Saturday, May 25th. The venue is a special venue at "Outlet Park Shiga Ryuo." We plan to exhibit our demo bike, the GSX-R750F, which was exhibited at the Tokyo Motorcycle Show, as well as other new products. We will also be selling our popular original oil cooling aprons and m-tech T-shirts. Please come and join us! ↓↓↓Click here for event details↓↓↓ #  

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※Tank cap gasket price revision notice※

Posted by 塩野翔平 on

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support. This time, Our product "GSX-R early model tank cap repair gasket set (MTSR-PAC-20A)" We would like to inform you about the price change. Recently, the prices of major raw materials and crude oil have continued to rise, leading to higher raw material and logistics costs. The burden is now greater than ever before. We have taken various measures to maintain our prices, It has become difficult to maintain the current prices. Therefore, although it is very unfortunate, we have decided to revise the prices of our products. I...

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